World’s leading travel management company

FCM Travels is the world’s leading corporate travel management company with businesses in over 90 countries across seven regions including North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Central Europe, Middle East/India and Africa.

FCM Team commissioned Wibe to create a brand new UI for their legacy travel management platform - FCM Phoenix. The goal was to make the UI modern, intuitive & easy to use.

Being an existing in-use software, the biggest challenge for us was that any design decision, even a small one made to satisfy one requirement would affect many other parts of the software, sometimes in ways which were difficult to predict. And so before we even started with the wire-framing, we took time to sort out the overall context & implications to figure out all possibilities & use-cases. Once this was done, we created the UI designs for each screen along with a detailed design system with clear standards, rules, visual assets (colour palettes, typographic scales, icons, etc.) and UI patterns (forms, button styles, page patterns).

The brand new UI was very well received by FCM's clients and was much appreciated not just for the fresh look but also for the enhancement in its UX performance.

UI Design

Design System Guide

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