How to Fix 15 Commonly Made Mistakes While Blogging – Part I

Everyone who is into the business of online marketing knows well the significance of blogging. Blogging is not only significant from the point of view of search positioning but it also plays a major role in the way of delivering the content in order to get connected with the viewers to assemble all trust and authority. As far as the blog’s being seen by the viewers are concerned, the main objective is to make them visit to the main site of the conversion page.

Without the regular stream of new content in the blog, the site of yours will not succeed in connecting with large number of visitors, or able to construct long standing search positioning.

Many a times in view of building a blog with useful content leads to blunder and your blog gets robbed, together with linking with your viewers and support for your search positioning of the site.

Make sure that you check again with us in sometime for 9 to 15 blunders in part II.

Most common Blogging blunder # 1- Non -incorporation of Blog with the Main site

One of the mostly found blunders which have been noticed, that many companies doesn’t incorporate its blog on the respective domain on which its main website lies. In fact many of the companies publish on a complimentary platform of blogging like, or This leads to penalties from both branding as well as SEO perspective.

In order to address this type of issue you can also place a sub-domain like ( or can place a sub-folder on your respective site ( One of the above mentioned options can help your viewers to locate your blog and also contribute to the positioning of your site. Additional flexibility with the blog’s design and layout can be availed with the choice of sub-domain.

You need to keep in mind that you may face problem in shifting your blog if any complimentary blogging platform as mentioned above has been used by you. If you change then there are options to sustain your search positioning but in this case you need to take the help of a programmer or any familiar SEO with similar types of transfers.

Another common Blogging blunder # 2- Publishing of lot of Product related content

If viewers are visiting your blog in order to get educational or leadership type of content, then placing of lot of posts related to your company’s success and product can upset the number of viewers you wanted to pull towards your blog. Think of devoting more hours in the development of the content which can enlighten the thoughts.

Following are the examples which need to be included in the content related to “thought leadership”:

  • Best practices in the Industry
  • Market or Industry related data
  • Industry research based reports
  • Content which can provide knowledge to the viewers related to your industry
  • Content that inspires someone to imagine
  • Case studies based on Industry (not the ones which emphasized your product)
  • Industry based news along with the opinion of yours ( give confidence to your viewers to share their views)

Common Blogging blunder # 3- Inconsistent/Infrequent Publishing

We indeed realize this type of blunder many times that company’s get involved with their main business which makes them to forget writing of posts for their respective blog. In order to have a successful blog (which means blogs which can attract viewer to get converted to visit to your main site) requires continuous development over a long duration. As per the research, businesses who are involved in posting around 20 times in a month generates 5 times extra traffic as compared to those who blog just 4 times in a month.

In order to construct extra content on your respective blog you need to have one post in a week. If you face difficulties than it is recommended to hire a freelancer who can write well for your blog. In order to have smooth operations of your blogging you need to devote time and build perspective calendar. As soon as you are accustomed with your routine, start posting two times in a week.

Common Blogging blunder # 4- Off-Topic publishing of content

If the content of your blog is unorganized and deficient with concrete, combined theme it will definitely face problem. If your objective is to have fresh customers you have to provide your readers a motive of coming back. Devote sometime and choose a heading for your blog and also keep the same views in mind at the time of development of content.

Some tips which can assist you in development of a topic for your blog includes: 1.produce a list of keywords and find if that assists you to come up with a view point, 2. consider the objective of your blog, 3. provide detailed industry related matter on which you are expertise on, 4. lastly conclude with the wants of your viewers.

Common Blogging blunder # 5- Not providing variety in your content

Blog with the pile of similar nature of content is always makes bore to the viewers. Restraining to the kind of content you creates limits the level of audience you want to reach. As people believe in continuity they also require diverse range of content to make them engage. You need to provide flavor to your blog with the introduction of different ideas.

Different types of content for the blog can be comprised of the following: graphs/charts, video/audio, text based copy, posts from guest, infographics, curated lists, posts related to Q&A and reviews.

Common Blogging blunder # 6- Fails to persuade participation of audience

Another major blunder which we find in blogs is the lack of engagement and response from the viewers. Blogs are known for its both side conversations, not a one side platform for your views. For example-a guy who only talks about his greatness is never liked by the people in the party. Similarly, if the engagement of audience will not be there the condition of the blog will be same as the guy in the party.

Encourage interaction of viewers by keeping the forum open for the comments and proper reply to the comments will help the blog in great deal. You need to ask questions to your viewers to know their thinking.

Common Blogging blunder # 7- Non optimization of your blog to explore

Not devoting the proper time to optimize the blog for SEO can be the major blunder that can affect the potentiality of your blog in great deal. As we have mentioned in blunder #1, non-optimization of blogs for explore robs you have different opportunities of increasing the keywords and helps to build the traffic from natural search. You need to be sure of identification of fresh keywords which are relevant to the line of industry you are in and can optimize the content of your blog well with the keywords.

Common Blogging blunder # 8- Implementation of unattractive blog design

It is true that content is consider to be an important part of blog but not putting emphasis on the designing of the blog can damage the traffic and your business in great deal. Not only you require having an attractive content but also you need to have good design to attract the viewers.

Although there are unlimited range of designs but majority of blogs are based on similar kind of traits. Clear mentioning of call-to-action for each post can be a good starting tip. Also include social media buttons for different subscription choices. You need to be sure that your blog is connected to your website in clear sense with clear navigation button.

This is the conclusion of the summary of part I stating the most common blogging blunders and steps which can be taken by you to resolve them. You can get in touch with us in few days for the common blogging blunders summary of part II in order to get enlightened on the same.

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